21 Is The New 31

“It’s not about the years you’ve had in life, but the life you’ve had in your years.”

1. You’re weirdly offended when people say you look young. In your mind, it implies you won’t be taken as seriously, or that you don’t seem as mature or capable as you know yourself to be.

2. You find you always have (or had) to justify wanting a committed relationship while young. No, most people aren’t psychologically/emotionally ready for their lifelong partnership in their second decade of life, but numeric age and mental age are two different animals. This, you understand.

3. You desire a deep, once-in-a-lifetime relationship – a soul companion if you will.

4.  You have a few friends who are like family, but otherwise keep a pretty tight social circle. You can’t entertain or sustain shallow, half-relationships. You’re all in, or you’re out altogether.

5. You tend to love the simpler things in life: handwriting letters, physical books, date nights, clean linens, dinner parties with old friends. These things are your joy, and your purpose, and you’re grateful for every one of them.

This doesnt mean that you’re no fun (cause hey you will always have that wild side) but you just know when, where and to whom you’re going to show it and be it. It’s just that you’ve learned so much, heard so much and taught so much that other 20 something didn’t know YET. 💋

©ThoughtCatalog for the idea.

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